Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fuck work again!

Yeah, another day spent not making money.  SO I DREW.  Yep.  And some of you came out and watched on mah stream!  That was coo.  But yeah.  Fuck work.  I hate my job, but I have to go back tomorrow or else I'll be flat fucking broke.  FUCK.  But whatever, I have an interview on friday.  Someplace new.  Whatever, you don't care.  You just want teh smuts, don't you, yeah.  Mmhmm.


Tooooo many marshmallows.  Mel ain't really complaining though.  I wonder how many she can hold?  
Transparent inflatable straightjacket.  This needs to happen.  Get with the scientists and make this happen.  Now.  

And then a small bonus for those that had stayed around after the big one was done, Kat and Mel cosplaying it up as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.

I'm going to bed!



  1. lol it was so the end I was like "Americans! y u no go to sleep?"

    and then you guys used voice chat leaving me an joe in the normal chat. i had skype but I dunno where the mic at

    Anyways, it was a killer livestream session

  2. I love your work. It's cute, silly, hot, and so well detailed.

    I hope the work situation worked out for you.
