Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Seasons Greetings and whatever.

Happy holidays people.  The small bit of holiday spirit I had left after needing to spend every last cent I had on car repairs demanded that I do a picture for christmas.

Mel asking SantaRob for a special Christmas gift.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Lurnen 2 draw guud.

I was looking through all the pics and sketches I had to put together another art dump post, but really didn't find much for one so this isn't the promised/threatened dump of non smut, just some "sketchbook" stuff.  Work on Kat's facial structure mostly, with some bits of Mel in there too.  These were done about page a day over 2 weeks, and after these I had jumped into the "sketches on a theme" that were the last blog entry.

I guess I'll post a couple of other pics I haven't put up anywhere as well.  As always, nothing special.

Quick cartoon Kat, Odessa, and TinyKat and Mel being dumb.
Kat and Mel helping Odessa move, Kat in some bullshitty hazmat gear, and Ace robot pilot Jean Marceau again.

That's it for now.  Life sucks, work is dumb, don't have the energy to put into drawing most of the time, but that doesn't mean I never have the energy for it... Just doesn't come around very often.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sketches on a Theme

During my last bout of productivity I did a couple pages of sketches on a theme.  It revolved around Kat and Mel having a session with Rob, Kat's landlord who is in no way a self insert character.  No way at all... sure... anyways...

The idea was started by some video stills Suichi had found on Tumblr somewhere (I will update with a link when I find it again) of the inflatable straight jacket, hood, and body bad Melanie has been stuffed in and then just sorta went from there.  Discussions were had and ideas fired and I sketched out 6 pages that go together.  It's not a super complete story. I probably could have done more on either end of what I had, but the moment has passed and I don't think I'll end up adding any more pages to it.

Last page done, first page in the series.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Seems about that time...

Been quite a while since I bothered to post anything new here, and I've been threatening to do a dump of a bunch of the stuff I've done just because, so now seems just as good a time as any to do so.

I'm going to split this into two dumps actually; one now and one in a day or two.  It's not like there's a whole ton of stuff here, but I just feel like splitting up the smut and the other stuff.  Don't worry though, I know people care more about the kink stuff than the other stuff, so the kink is what I'm going to be posting first.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Commissions are not out of the question anymore.

Hey everybody who comes by to look at the blog, I've decided to do some commissions again to help out with some bills. Information is up on my dA page.  If you have any questions or are interested you can note me on dA or shoot me an email at


Monday, June 24, 2013

Kat's Birthday

 photo birthdaykat_sm.jpg

I had arbitrarily chosen late June/ early July as when Kat's birthday would be, then later found out that my favorite character who looks like Kat, Ritsuko Akizuki from Idolm@ster, has her birthday as the 23rd of June.  So that's Kat's birtday too.  

This is utterly pointless.


Saturday, June 15, 2013


Did a few pics since the last update.  This isn't everything, but is everything worth sharing.  All pictures after the jump.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Haven't done shit lately, been 2 months, this is all I've got.  Most of this was done 2 months ago.

 photo paintypaint.jpg

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Here I go back in time 6 years fetishizing scuba gear again.  Wee.

Been in a funk lately.  Been going back to old shit I liked looking for safe insular shit to make me feel better.  Sorta worked.

Got linked to a drawing with a wetsuit, wasn't terrible, but wasn't enough to sate my appetite for the idea so I did the first one the other night.  Suit was alright for me, but the mask and regulator were garbage, so I did the second last night.  Was reasonably happy with it.  Last one was done tonight just for fun.

 photo reglove.jpg  photo reglove2.jpg  photo reglove32.jpg

Why do things change?  Photobucket's layout change changed the html link given for pics, and then for some reason the blogger post editor is changing and over writing my layout choices for this post when I switch between Compost and HTML... complain complain complain.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Inflatables and some Tape

Drawings from the last weekish or so.  Been trying to draw more because my brochacho Su has been doing a shitton of stuff himself and I totes feel like I'm slacking now.