Monday, September 17, 2012

Borderlands 2

The title of the post has NOTHING to fucking do with the content of the post.  But holy fucking shit it's finally here.  HERE!  Borderlands 2.  I bought a new fucking computer specifically for the game.   By some weird chance of fate some of the components in the pc I bought specifically for the game ARE EXACTLY WHAT THE RECOMMENDED SPECS ARE.

Ok, so maybe it's just the graphics card, rest of the internals of the machine are a bit over specs.  Anyways.  This post is not about Borderlands 2 and how much of it I'm going to be playing over the next couple days.  Well, not much tomorrow (today, monday) as it doesn't actually come out until Tuesday.  BUT I have it preloaded via Steam on my computer, and I'm going out to a midnight release at Gamestop to pick up my PS3 copy.

But again, this post is not at all about Borderlands 2 and how much I have been anticipating it.

No, the real content of the post is some more sketches.  Been purposefully keeping myself to myself for the last couple days.  The result of this is that I am bored and lonely, and I have been making myself just fucking sketch whatever the hell comes up.

So here you go...

Sexy unzippered shiny squeaky smoke break.
Bubble hood.  NOTHING MORE.
Horribly quick nurse Kat.



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