Friday, December 16, 2011

I'm not dead...

Not physically anyways.  Emotionally though, whoo, yeah, there's nothing left in me.  I work and I sleep and I work and I sleep and I work and I sleep.  Don't have the time and energy for anything else.


I was looking through my pictures and found one that I don't completely hate despite it's flaws.  The month/year date at the signature says it was don't in August of 2010, I can't really believe this is about a year and a half old already, but whatever.  There's some bit of backstory behind the genesis of the pic, but fuckit, I'm not even interested in it.


No idea when I'll be back to drawing new shit again, so whatever.


1 comment:

  1. Well, I _love_ this picture regardless! I'm sorry you are going through some rough times, I hope it gets better for you!
